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Darlington School's Online Student News Source


Darlington School's Online Student News Source


Darlington School's Online Student News Source


All content by Madison Vaughn
Jacob Gadde '17: Scoring Goals

Jacob Gadde ’17: Scoring Goals

Madison Vaughn, Managing Editor March 2, 2017

Walking into Darlington as a new senior from Houston, Texas, Jacob Gadde already had his goals for his first and last year set in mind. “I came to Darlington, of course, for the soccer academy but...


[Photo] Chandler Edge ’17: Finding His Place

Abby Sklar, Assistant Editor-in-Chief February 22, 2017

Welcome to the Growl

[Photo] Foolishness in the Growl Pt.2

Emily Orr, Editor in Chief February 15, 2017

The title screen to the first season, murder house, of American Horror Story.

Your Next Netflix Addiction: American Horror Story

Madison Vaughn, Managing Editor February 3, 2017

Murder House. Asylum. Coven. Freakshow. Hotel. As a fan of horror, one may recognize these titles as they scroll through their Netflix, eventually clicking on American Horror Story and seeing what all...

Proud Patriots: Super Bowl 2017

Proud Patriots: Super Bowl 2017

Madison Vaughn, Managing Editor January 31, 2017

Traveling several hours at a time on a bus. Stopping in several big cities to be surrounded by excited fans. Preparing for the big game. Then waking up the next day and repeating the cycle.   This...

RUMPUS 2017: Ending Ceremony

RUMPUS 2017: Ending Ceremony

Madison Vaughn, Managing Editor January 15, 2017

  On Jan. 14, the last day of Rumpus 2017, the ending ceremony commenced after lip sync. It began with an honorable mention for all of the seniors and their last Rumpus.   "I felt...

Dar Reacts: Presidential Election 2016

Dar Reacts: Presidential Election 2016

Emily Orr, Ian Kinney, Madison Vaughn and Anna Claire Atha November 14, 2016

The 2016 Presidential Election has sparked conversation all around campus. Students have had mixed emotions about the results of the election, causing a lot of diversity of thought. “People...

darVotes: The Results Are In

darVotes: The Results Are In

Madison Vaughn, Managing Editor November 8, 2016

Today, the students and faculty of the Darlington upper school participated in Darlington's own "darVotes." The mock election, run by Mr. Evans and his two AP Government classes, concluded a total amount...

The final results of darVotes.

The final results of darVotes.

Towards to end of the first lunch today, these were the results showing.

Towards to end of the first lunch today, these were the results showing.

The students and faculty of Darlington upper school use today to participate in darVotes.

The students and faculty of Darlington upper school use today to participate in darVotes.

Kallan Kinsey '17 smiles as she reflects upon her time at Darlington and considers her future following graduation.

Kallan Kinsey ’17: Aspirations Outside the U.S.

Madison Vaughn, Managing Editor November 6, 2016

Senior Kallan Kinsey craves adventure. “My hobbies include piano, golf and cheerleading, but my true passion is traveling even though I, like, never travel,” Kinsey said. Although the farthest...

Preparing for the PSAT

Preparing for the PSAT

Madison Vaughn, Managing Editor October 18, 2016

Get everything ready the night before   Almost everyone wakes up wanting to hit the snooze button and go back to sleep, especially the day before a long test. By having your clothes, pencils,...

Hillary Clinton political cartoon

Let Them Eat Cake!

Madison Vaughn and Abby Sklar October 3, 2016

"No. We just can't trust the American people to make those types of choices...Government has to make those choices for people."    - Hillary Clinton

Senior Avery Smith is excited for new opportunities.

[Photo] Goals After Graduation

Madison Vaughn, Managing Editor September 23, 2016

Senior Avery Smith is excited for new opportunities.

Behind the Scenes of The Curious Savage

Gracie Padgett, Reporter May 6, 2016

Darlington theater participants perform a stage reading of John Patrick's The Curious Savage in the Zelle Black Box on April 21st, 22nd, and 23rd. The cast and crew faced a serious potential setback when...

Light the Lake 2016

Light the Lake 2016

Madison Vaughn and Gracie Padgett April 19, 2016

This year marked the 8th annual celebration of Light the Lake, a tradition meant to honor those within the Darlington community who deal with cancer.   The evening began at 5 p.m. on Friday,...

Senior Spotlight: Hailey Lewis

Senior Spotlight: Hailey Lewis

Madison Vaughn, Reporter March 15, 2016

Do you value your successes or failures more? Why? "I value my failures more because I  can learn from what I failed out, obviously, and I can work on it and make myself better from it."   Is...

All Around the World

All Around the World

Gracie Padgett and Madison Vaughn February 3, 2016

Sophomore Callie Maffett spent a few days in Italy this summer, exploring the bustling cities and touring the expansive countryside. Along with her family, she rode a gondola in Venice, dined by the Coliseum...

Senior Spotlight: Savannah Dempsey

Senior Spotlight: Savannah Dempsey

Madison Vaughn, Reporter November 23, 2015

  Is there something that you feel you were meant to do or be? "I feel I was meant to help people, so I do a lot of volunteer service work. I help out at the theater, two summers ago I went...

Senior Spotlight: Winston Gammon

Senior Spotlight: Winston Gammon

Madison Vaughn, Reporter October 13, 2015

What is a story, happy or otherwise, that you remember that you feel made you into the person you are today? “Probably the first semester of my freshman year. I mean it’s pretty common, but my parents...

Darlington's three girl's dorms

Darlington's three girl's dorms

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