Senior Spotlight: Savannah Dempsey


Is there something that you feel you were meant to do or be?

“I feel I was meant to help people, so I do a lot of volunteer service work. I help out at the theater, two summers ago I went and helped in Peru for teen moms who were victims of sexual assault, and I’ve helped build a greenhouse for children who came from very impoverished areas.”



If karma was coming back to you, would it help or hurt you?

“It would help me because I always believe the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as they do unto you,” so I try and be positive and be the best person that I can. I try and avoid being negative.”


What do you want most out of life?

“Happiness and finding something that I really enjoy doing, as opposed to being stuck in a job that I hate going out to everyday, something monotonous and boring. I can see something that involves traveling or helping others as something that would make me happy, not just sitting in an office day after day or doing the same thing every day. I just want something with variety.”


What would happen if you never wasted another minute of your life, what would that look like?

“I always think about that when I see stories about people who only have a year to live, and they live it to their fullest. I would step outside of my comfort zone and do things that I always found cool, but I was scared to do. I would try everything that I could: different weird foods, skydiving, bungee jumping, watching a ton of movies, and listening to as much music as I could.”


When did you last push the boundaries of your comfort zone?

“When I went to Peru because I was going with a group of 18 people my age that I had never met before in a country without my parents or anyone, and a language I’m okay at, but not the best at it. I pushed myself to go out of my comfort zone as far out as I felt I could go.”


What have you given up on?

“I guess being perfect and staying up really late and not enjoying my senior year just for those perfect grades. Lately I’ve watched more tv than in the past; I’ve made time at least twice a week for it. Some might think that it’s bad, but I’ve made time for it so I’m actually more effective with my studying.”


What impact do you want to leave on the world?

“I know that it would be very hard to make a big impact, very few people can actually do that. But the little impacts do help, between people and small groups, changing their lives and giving them an open mind and allowing them to see the world entirely. I want to help people so I’m planning on going into the Peace Corps after college for two years. Depending on your major depends on what you do, so I hope to find a way to incorporate my major with helping others.”


Describe an activity that you love. Now describe a quality that you believe you have acquired through that activity. Give a specific example.

“I love to dance. I have done it since I was three. I’ve acquired the quality to never give up and push through the end. I’ve learned to keep learning along the way and not to focus on each individual step of the choreography, but to achieve what you can within the overall picture.”