Newsroom Class Review


The Newsroom, the only class that I look forward to during the school day. Everyday I walk into this class I don’t know what to expect, there is always something new and interesting that happens in this class. The Newsroom class is a place where you learn about the news and learn how to produce news stories. It teaches you all the aspects of writing and editing a story. You will learn something new everyday and become a better writer and editor. Your only requirement for this class is make 4 news productions per semester on Darlington’s news website, The Darlingtonian, and to learn the lessons that Mrs.Forgette teaches everyday.

It doesn’t even feel like class, it’s just feels like you’re working in an actual newsroom. You have the freedom to do whatever news production you want, but your stories must have interviews and great detail so that the reader can fully understand the story. The story must also have AP style format so that you story looks like a true news report. This class gives you a chance to be creative and inform people about the news at our school. 

There are so many different categories your writing can fall under: news, opinion, senior spotlight, feature, sports or entertainment. Whatever you are interested in, that’s what you can write about. For me personally, I have improved as a writer and a student just from this class alone. It has gotten me interested in news and the world around me.    

If you are looking to have fun and work hard to make awesome stories, then this is the class for you. This class teaches you so much and you get to enjoy yourself while you are making your stories and learning about the news.