Tips for the Course Fair

Every year, picking your courses for the next year is extremely stressful. You will be stuck with the decisions you make for all of next year. Tuesday, March 6 marks this year’s course fair. Here are a few ways you can take advantage of this opportunity and make it less stressful.


  1. Brainstorm a list of classes you think you might be interested in taking before going to the fair. Look at all of the courses offered and choose a list of classes that spark your interest, then seek those teachers out at the course fair.
  2. When looking at courses, don’t just take what your friends are interested in; search for your interests. For example, this year I’m taking three history classes, while one of my close friends is taking two sciences. Think about classes you have enjoyed in the past and what you think your future entails and pick classes that match you.
  3. At the fair, make sure to ask questions to the teachers so you can make an informed decision about classes. Here are some things you might want to ask about:
    1. What does the homework load look like?
    2. What can I hope to walk away from this class with?
    3. What does a typical class period look like?
  4. Definitely ask students who are taking the class now what they think. Teachers can only tell you so much about what your experience will look like. Talking to students in the class paints a more detailed picture of what the class will look like for you.
  5. Make sure to not only look at your classes individually, but look at your schedule as a whole. Make sure that you aren’t overloading yourself with homework or setting too high of expectations for yourself. That being said, still challenge yourself.
  6. Talk to an adult about what your plans are. Your advisor, Mr. Moss and Ms. Brewer are great resources to take advantage of in this process. They are familiar with many of the course and are willing to help you with any questions you have.