Proud Patriots: Super Bowl 2017
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Traveling several hours at a time on a bus. Stopping in several big cities to be surrounded by excited fans. Preparing for the big game. Then waking up the next day and repeating the cycle.
This is the routine of the New England Patriots for the upcoming weeks until their ninth appearance in the Super Bowl. On February 5, 2017 at 6:30, the Patriots will dash onto the field to play the Atlanta Falcons in Houston, Texas.
“I lived in Rhode Island for a while and everyone there was a Patriots fan so I just become one too, but I think it is a really big accomplishment for the Patriots to be going to their 9th Super Bowl, and I really hope they win,” sophomore Grace Wagshul said.
Many would assume, however, those living in the state of Georgia would be die-hard Falcons fans, but that is not the case. I took a poll from students attending Darlington and out of the 141 responses, about 18% were Patriots fans.
“I’m cheering for the Patriots because I love Tom Brady, and I hate the Falcons,” junior Tijai Whatley said.
With the Super Bowl being now less than a week away, many are getting ready to watch the big game. Patriots fans are excited as always to see their beloved team make the Super Bowl, especially since this team has not always been in such a huge spotlight.
“I’m excited. In my elementary years and into my high school years, the Patriots were, like, one of the worst teams in the NFL, so the success is like, it never gets old,” math teacher, Mr. Shorey said.