Carlie Chisolm’s Lecture Series

Carlie Chisolm's Lecture Series

Senior Carlie Chisolm, hosted her second lecture on serial killers on Wednesday Feb 5 through Thursday Feb 6. 

“I’m doing my project on serial killers and how they are either born or made, and that’s what my first two lectures were on. My last two are going to be profiles of serial killers that I made myself,” Chisom said. 

Chisom was inspired to start her lecture series by her future career aspirations. 

“When I get older I want to work with counter terrorism and terrorists, understanding why they do what they do. I couldn’t do that quite yet, so I did serial killers instead,” Chisom said. 

She has been able to carry out her project through the Senior Ventures Program.

“This is a passion of hers and I’m glad that she has this opportunity in Senior Venturs to focus on it, to do research on her own and to have the time to do that,” Professional Development Coordinator and Senior Ventures mentor Rebekah Kinney said. 

The lectures are open to students and faculty, and many took with them the knowledge they learned. 

“I think a lot of students and I are very interested in stories about serial killers and murderers, but we never really questioned their motive or how they become what they are,” Senior Trang Dang said. “Carlie just introduced a new topic that not many of us think about, which is how the genetics and environment contribute to the making of a serial killer”. 

Chisom has plans to continue her project with more lecture series and possibly interviews with inmates. 

“I am in the process of getting clearance to go to a prison to interview a serial killer they have there. He is in high max so it is taking a while to get the clearance,” Chisom said.