Real Women, Real Purpose

Real Women Real Purpose a  speaking series that was created by Dean of Students Dana Peek where influential women share their life experiences.


“Late in the semester, several of the female faculty and staff kinda got together and we were talking about kind of the state of the union with our girls on campus,” Peek said.


Female faculty members realized the importance for a positive relationship between themselves and the female students.


“We touched on lots of different topics but out of that we started thinking about ways we could kind of infused some positive instead of constantly feeling as if we’re fussing over dress code and uniform violations and things like that,” Peek said.


The series has intentions to discuss situations that may occur in young women’s lives.


“I just thought ‘Well, I have some great friends in this community that do a variety of things, they are in different walks of life and I said to myself and to others you know what would it look like to maybe just have them come hang out with our girls not anything formal not anything as in a lecture but just a conversation,” Peek said.


Peek strives to bring in a new perspective for female students.


“I hope it’s more of an encouragement that all things are possible and that people that  have gone before you, just another example.We all have good examples around us but this is another example that maybe you wouldn’t have been able to connect with before,” Peek said.


Peek also intends for this series to create a comfortable environment.


“I’m just really hoping that people can make some connections maybe for the future but at the very least we come out thinking that ‘Hey that’s pretty neat I can do something to,’” Peek said.


The series will have speakers present once a month for the rest of the school year.


“Next month we have the Director of the Davies Homeless Shelter and she’ll be coming in November and I know that we have a strong group of service oriented students and they may be looking for advice on other projects or ways that they can get involved now,” Peek said.