Boy’s Life

Boys Life

Games and great food made for a fun experience for the boys dorms to enjoy rather than the usual Study Hall.


Spikeball was a very popular game for everyone to play as it was the first time many people had ever played. Playing the games gave a great opportunity for the dorm students to meet new people.


“Because of the good food, good games. For example Spikeball, it was a good experience playing with my friends and new people I didn’t know,” sophomore Ryan Kim said.


One of the biggest reasons for Boys’ Life is that boys from every dorm get to know each other rather than just staying in their dorms with the people they are always with and are comfortable with.


“It helped me make new friends with people from Neville and Moser I may not have met otherwise. By going to Boys’ Life you can meet new people, talk, and socialize with people from other dorms,” Kim said.


After doing study hall almost every night at the same time and doing everything the same, it is nice for the boys in the dorms to do something fun instead of studying like they always do.


“It was something different and it broke up the monotony of doing the same thing every single day,” sophomore Alec Patterson said.


Overall, Boys’ Life was a lot of fun for everyone and gave the dorm students something fun to look forward to. The games were a lot of fun, but most importantly, many people made new friends and met new people just from playing a game or talking to each other.


“Boys’ Life helps bring everybody together and helps people get to know each other a little better” Patterson said. “ We get to learn more about each other when we play games with each other and sit down and talk to each other.”