How to Survive Exams
Don’t we know it all? Before the exams we start to become stressed and freak out about all the things we need to do. We found some tips how to prepare for the exam and level the stress factor down.
- Get into a good sleeping rhythm.
You need to be fit when it’s the day of exam so try to go to sleep early to avoid fatigue in the morning.
- Eat breakfast.
Many of us are too lazy to get up earlier and walk over to the Dining Hall, especially when our first class is in the Huffman, but before writing an exam, it is important to get some food so it’s easier to concentrate.
- Push your grade up.
Even if you study more than you do breathe, you always have to take the possibility that you might miss a few questions on your exam and your grade could drop. So to prepare for that, you should try to get any extra credit and good quiz/homework grade and build a little a pillow in case your grade falls.
- Make a planner.
It is really helpful to plan two or three weeks before the exams what is to do when. Schedule time to study, time to relax and free time. Yeah, free time and time to relax shouldn’t be the same. Free time is to do whatever you want, is it working out or taking a trip to Walmart, but time to relax should be time when you turn off your laptop, close your book and just listen to music or take a nap.
- Study the stuff (don’t stress out).
Well, everyone knows that you need to study. But still don’t stress out. Be prepared, have faith in yourself and you will see what will come out in the end.