Carson Barnes ’17: Transition to Leadership
Senior Carson Barnes has had a huge transition from introvert to Student Body President. Throughout his time at Darlington, he’s been involved in many activities that helped create this change.
“I was a much different student in eighth grade when I lived in Illinois. I was like a B, C student and very shy. I was definitely introverted through the people I met and the diverse community at Darlington and such a small number like within the community, kind of inspired me to turn my life around. I have much better grades now and I think I am much more of an extrovert. I’m not afraid to speak my mind and talk to anyone and everyone and say whatever,” Barnes said.
Barnes had a lot of special people to thank for breaking his shy personality while at Darlington.
“I met her [Palesa Malapo] the first day of my freshman year and she was just like this crazy, bubbly personality and talked to anyone and everyone. Especially in that aspect of my personality like the longer I knew her I became more like her in that aspect and was able to talk to so many more people and be open to talk to anyone,” Barnes said.
Barnes has many to thank for inspiring leadership in him through his involvement in the dorms.
“For my freshman year that entire Summerbell leadership team and Will Crawford as well, are the people who were catalysts in having a passion for leadership and that being a quality I’ve pried myself in.” Barnes said.
Barnes has a hope that his actions have been inspiring to others as much as they have been to himself.
“I just hope one way or another I’ve changed someone’s life. Someone has looked up to me I don’t have to know who they are,” Barnes said. “I just hope that in some way or another I have inspired someone else.”