Senior Spotlight: Madeline Drummond
Madeline Drummond cheers at a home football game.
What is a story, happy or otherwise, that you remember that you feel made you into the person you are today?
“Honestly something recently that really made me change how I view and interact with people is the attack on Paris. After seeing the situations and realizing how that could have easily been me, my view on everyday life was completely changed. I realized that things could be much worse than my situations and I am very blessed to be in the position I am. I realized that my loved ones could be taken from me at any second and I need to cherish that time with them and realize how blessed I am.”
Do you value your successes or failures more? Why?
“I definitely value my failures more than my successes. From my failures, I am able to see the consequences that result from those and I am able to learn valuable lessons that I otherwise wouldn’t have experienced. Everyone fails and I believe it is truly whether you get back up and make those failures into something greater rather than letting your failures keep you down.”
Is there something that you feel you were meant to do or be?
“I know God has great plans for me, but He has not laid that out specifically yet. I definitely believe I am called to spread the Word and let my actions reflect what I believe.”
If you could watch everything that happened in your life until now, would you enjoy it?
“I would enjoy looking back on my life. I am very happy with where I am now and everything before that made me who I am today. Yes, I have made mistakes that I regret but I don’t think I would be the same, happy, person I am today if it weren’t for those mistakes.”
What drives you to do better at something?
“I think the great feeling of accomplishment that I get when I have done good at something is what keeps me trying to do better. It makes me a happier person when I know I have completed or done something to the best of my ability. The self confidence I get from completing something successfully is something that will always keep my striving to do my best and not give up.”
If karma was coming back to you, would it help or hurt you?
“To be honest, a little bit of both. I have said or done things to others that I definitely regret or wish I could take back that would most likely come back to get me, however I think I have been kind and done good to many others that would make up for my mistakes. That’s actually a scary thought that puts a lot into perspective.”
What do you want most out of life?
“What I want most out of life is to be successful and one day knowing that I am happy with my life and I have done all I can to make the ones closest to me happy as well. At the end of my life, I hope to look back and not regret, I want to make the most out of each day.”
What terrifies you the most? Describe a scenario where you would feel this way.
“Something that terrifies me is losing loved ones. I have experienced the loss of my grandfather and that was one of the hardest points in my life. I think loved ones bring so much joy and comfort into your life, when that is taken away, its a sadness that is hard to overcome.”
When did you last push the boundaries of your comfort zone?
“In the past, it has always been hard for me to stand up for myself or voice my true opinion, however, this year, I have been able to push out of my comfort zone of letting all of that pile up and I have been able to stand up and tell what I believe is true. I think this is a huge characteristic that will help me in future situations.”
Describe a time in your life where you felt pushed to your farthest physical, mental, and/or emotional boundary.
“Emotionally I have been forced to give up on things that I love. Watching my grandfather take his last breath when only a week before we were laughing together, not being able to cheer anymore as the high school football season ends, being hospitalized and never being told what is wrong with you, and watching my sister go off to college after 16 years of being inseparable are events that really tested me emotionally.”
What are you holding onto that you feel you need to let go of?
“At this specific point in life, I am holding onto too much stress that I need to let go of and have fun. I will never get these years back and in my opinion, the stress is not worth losing those memories.”