Senior Spotlight : Emiliano Aguilar
Senior Emiliano Aguilar, a boarding student, talked with us about his life here and his future plans.
He comes from Los Cabos, Mexico.The main reason he came here was because of the high number of Covid cases where he lives and because he wanted to come to a school where soccer is available.
“In Mexico where I live, I have a beach and have more liberties because I’m legal there so it’s way different for me here,” Aguilar said.
He has fewer liberties here but Aguilar still likes being at the school for this year.
“It’s pretty fun and it’s a completely different experience being at a boarding school. I love the teachers and all the classes they give here,” Aguilar said “I think the best is how the teachers treat you. They give you all the time that you need and dedication. Then another thing is the relationship boarding students have with each other.”
His hobby is playing soccer and what better place than here where he can be finishing his high school studies while he is at the soccer academy training every week day and going to many tournaments.
Playing soccer in the academy, in addition to being his entertainment, can open him many doors in his future to get scholarships for colleges in the United States.
“I think it’s a really good thing because it opens many doors for a D1 offers or D2 offers and getting scholarships with great value that could make my parents be able to afford college better.”
Aguilar is still waiting for the response from the colleges to which he has applied to know what he is going to do next year and where he is going to study at college.
“My plans for next year depend on which college I’m getting accepted to in April. But it’s either studying here in the states or going back home to a school that I’ve already accepted,” Aguilar said.