Molly’s Game Review

Molly’s Game is the true story of Molly Bloom, a once Olympic-class skier, who ran the world’s most exclusive high stakes poker game before being arrested. After her Olympic dreams were dashed, Bloom helped her boss run a poker game which she eventually took over. Throughout her time as the “Poker Princess,” Bloom played with business moguls, professional athletes, actors, movie stars and unknowingly, the Russian mob.


Molly’s Game is told looking back as Bloom works with her lawyer, Charlie Jaffey, to clear her name. Bloom, played by Jessica Chastain, and Jaffey, played by Idris Elba, spend a lot of time bickering over possible actions. Chastain and Elba play their contrasting roles perfectly, which helps make the movie entertaining and fun to watch.


Chastain especially ups the ante. Her delivery of Sorkin’s writing shows that she is not one to be messed with. Throughout the movie, there is no doubt that Molly Bloom is a boss. Bloom is portrayed as a smart and hard-working woman who will succeed no matter what.


Definitely the most interesting part of the movie is guessing who the players are based on. Though no real names are used in the movie, Bloom’s book names several celebrities such as Tobey Maguire, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ben Affleck and Alex Rodriguez.


This movie is extremely entertaining. It has just about everything a good movie could need: Russian mobsters, millions in cash and a hard-core woman. I would give this movie a 4/5.