Callie Maffett ’18
Senior Callie Maffett has had an exciting Darlington career. From tennis to the Student Activities Committee, Maffett has left her mark on the Darlington community.
“I’m gonna miss all the people I grew up with and all the relationships that I have made while being here,” Maffett said I’ve spent basically my whole life with my friends here so it’s going to be kind of weird next year at UGA.”
Though she has had many memories at Darlington, her favorite was with the tennis team when they went to the semi finals of state her sophomore year.
“It was great to bond and travel with the team. I am very competitive, and we had never gone that far in a state tournament, so it was such a fun experience with some of my closest friends.”
As a dar baby, Maffett has had many experiences in the Darlington community that have helped her grow as a person.
“I had a great experience growing up and going to school at Darlington. I have gotten a great education and have learned many valuable lessons which have helped to prepare me for life. The relationships I have made and the opportunities I have been provided have really helped me be who I am today.”
Although it’s going to be different this year, she is looking forward to new experiences and memories she can make next year.
“I think I’m ready to be on my own for a while, but I am also nervous to be leaving the community and friends that I have grown up with. I am excited to start the next phase of my life and get started in the real world.”