RUMPUS 2017: Ending Ceremony

On Jan. 14, the last day of Rumpus 2017, the ending ceremony commenced after lip sync. It began with an honorable mention for all of the seniors and their last Rumpus.
“I felt very special when the seniors got recognized at the ending ceremony. It made my last Rumpus much more memorable,” senior Gracie Padgett said.
The results of lip sync were announced along with the final scores for each house. This was followed by a celebration in the gym, where music was blasted through the speakers and all the houses came together to celebrate the end of another exciting Rumpus.
“I was excited that Cooper got third in lip sync. Bernie said that it was the first time in a few years that Cooper placed in the top three. I was really happy on where we placed. The little celebration we had in the gym afterwards was super fun, and I hope to have as much fun next year as I did this year,” freshman Makiya Mayes said.
The final results of Rumpus are as follows:
1. Moser
2. Thornwood
3. Summerbell
4. Cooper
5. Neville
6. Regester
When the announcement was made that Moser had won, both Moser and Regester sprinted down the bleachers in celebration.
“Moser is awesome, and I was so happy to be able to win for my senior year,” senior Forrest Flammer said.
The seniors of each house were beyond thrilled to put their final Rumpus behind them with a win for either their own house or their brother house.
“I think it was so amazing to see our brother dorm win Rumpus; they really deserved it. It was sad to think if it being the senior’s last one, but I couldn’t be more happy with how it went. I’m so proud of our girls (Regester) and the hard work we put it. It was the best year yet,” senior Arin Broderick said.