Senior Spotlight: Sami dePass

Sami dePass

Sami dePass

Glasses on, headphones in, and brown, naturally-curly hair pushed back with a floral headband, Sami dePass opens her computer and begins to type with incredible speed.


One glimpse and one may never have guessed that this girl houses a fiery personality, unwavering self-confidence, and the dream of pursuing a military career after she walks across the graduation stage this coming May.


She has spent the past four years at a school far from her family in Jamaica, a decision she made with ease at a young age.


“I have seen and experienced things here that I wouldn’t have gotten to otherwise.”


Sami values the independence and opportunities that Darlington has offered, but the journey hasn’t always been easy.


“I definitely value my failures because, as somebody who fails often, it has made me who I am. It was the process of failing over and over again and working extremely hard at something that got me to the success that I wanted.”


Her ‘get back up when you fall down’ mentality has led her to dreams of joining the military. A dream many high school girls would not consider, Sami feels that the discipline, physical challenge, and chance to give back through military service felt like the right fit.


“I realized early on in high school that I wanted to be able to interact with people, and not from behind a desk. The United States has done a lot for me, and in a way to do what I want to do and give back in a sense, I think that the military is the best way to go.”


Even though the military is a male-dominated field, Sami doesn’t worry about what others think or the physically demanding military lifestyle.


“There is definitely a stigma, but you just have to push through. I think that if you are willing to work as hard as anybody else, like a male can do certain things physically that you might not be able to do, but if you’re willing to work just as hard as he is, then I think that there is no difference as to how you should be treated in the military.”


She may be only a senior in high school, but Sami is mature beyond her years. Her mission isn’t just to be strong herself, but to help others be confident in themselves. Sami has an active voice in issues close to her heart and encourages others to do the same. She feels her purpose is even bigger than a military uniform.   


“The path that I am going on now, which is the military, or doing things that will help empower other people is part of my purpose.”


The clicks of the keys on her laptop slow and she laughs at something on her screen. Sami closes her computer and glances at a handwritten Bible verse taped on her laptop case: For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known” (1 Corinthians 13:12).


“It basically means that it is okay to not know completely what you’re meant to do right now because one day you will realize how the pieces of God’s plan for you came together.”


Sami keeps her options open about the future, but there is one thing a five-minute conversation with her will reveal: no matter what career Sami pursues, she will inspire others with her confidence and message of empowerment wherever she goes.