Senior Spotlight: Carl Schriever
Carl Schriever
Do you value your successes or failures more? Why?
“I guess failures because you learn from your failures and all that cliché stuff.”
If karma was coming back to you, would it help or hurt you?
“Karma, It would be very polarized, you know? I’ve done bad things and good things. It would slap me down on the ground and then help me up. It’s even I guess.”
What terrifies you the most? Describe a scenario where you would feel this way.
“I’m not really afraid of most the normal things like spiders and heights. I’m trying to think, I mean, of course there are things I’m afraid of. I guess just being the last person left on Earth.”
How much control do you really have over yourself?
“I’m not addicted to anything, but sometimes when I see something that looks like it tastes good… I guess 80%.”
What have you given up on?
“I used to want to be an accountant. I’m not going to do that anymore, that sounds terrible.”
Describe a time in your life where you felt pushed to your farthest physical, mental, and/or emotional boundary.
“There was this one tennis game and there was this one kid and he was so annoying, so I lost in the tiebreaker at six-all and this was a state match that took two hours for the first of the best of three sets. Then thankfully, they pulled us because everyone else on my team had already lost.”
Are you sincere when you talk to other people or are you just being diplomatic?
“It depends on the person. A good friend I’ll be sincere to, but if it’s someone I don’t know, I’ll be diplomatic.”
When did you last push the boundaries of your comfort zone?
“I started making an app for Darlington and I had to learn a new computer language for that.”