Senior Spotlight: Tamara Brisbe
Do you value your successes or failures more?
I value my failures more.
Is there something that you feel you were meant to do or be?
I feel like I was meant to be a doctor and that is what I want to study in school.
What drives you to do better at something?
Seeing how hard my parents work and how much they sacrifice for me to go here which inspires me to do better.
If karma was coming back to you, would it help or hurt you?
I hope it would help me. I try to be a good person and be nice to others as much as i can, so hopefully.
What do you want most out of life?
To be happy and successful.
How much control do you really have over yourself?
I feel like for the most part I have a lot of self control and i can tell myself, ‘you don’t need to do this,’ and, ‘you do need to do this.’ The rest I feel is just up to God.
What have you given up on?
I have given up on sleep. I like to sleep a lot and I try after to school give up sleeping and actually do work.
Describe a time in your life where you felt pushed to your farthest physical, mental, and/or emotional boundary.
Last summer I thought I was taking the SAT for the last time so I studied for the whole first two weeks of summer and didn’t do anything fun. The day after I took it College Board emailed us and said that two sections of the SAT wouldn’t be graded, but your score will be the same, and I didn’t get the score that I wanted. So basically I was mentally prepared for that to be the last time I would be taking the SAT and I was really disappointed.
Describe an activity that you love. Now describe a quality that you believe you have acquired through that activity. Give a specific example.
I love babysitting and taking care of kids. From babysitting I now have a high tolerance and can endure through most tough situations.