On Friday Jan. 24, all six houses competed in one of the Rumpus events called Relay. Relay is when your house has to go through different stations and complete all of the tasks the fastest. The first place team receives 6 points for their house, 2nd place gets 5 points, and so on. Here is the order of the Relay leaderboard: Moser, Cooper, Summerbell, Neville, Thornwood, Regester. Murray Ellington, day head prefect of Moser, was interviewed about their win and which part of relay he thinks his house did best in.
“We did the quick events the best because we did them in like less than 10 seconds. More than half of the events were quick too, so that was good for us,” Ellington said. “We practiced those events until like 4:00 a.m., so that we could get them down and perfected.”
Ruthie Brinson, day leader of Thornwood, was interviewed before Relay took place for who she thinks the key player of her relay team was.
“I think the key player is Gabrielle Culburson. She will help us a lot with the Rubix cube because I think that is a very difficult event and not many people can solve a Rubix cube,” Brinson said. “She truly helped us out with that aspect of the relay.”
We then spoke to Regester leader Zain Elkhatib about what she thinks her house should have done better, seeing as Regester came in last place.
“I think that we should have practiced the chapstick event better for sure, because we did struggle with that and it took up a lot of time. We should have also practiced the marble one because that also took some time,” Elkhatib said. “Overall, I think that Regester did a good job and we will get them next year. Go Regester, best house!”
We also talked to Elkhatib about which event she thinks Regester did the best in and why she thought that.
“Our four corners event was the event that I think that Regester did the best in. I believe that we did best in this because we completed it super fast,” Elkhatib said. “I think we might have completed four corners the fastest out of all the houses, but I am not sure.”
Ellington shares in detail what qualities the Moser team had that helped them overall win Relay.
“Grit and determination, that just secured us the win. Without that, you cannot really do much in life,” Ellington said. “To be determined, you have to have grit, and that truly takes you far. Not just in RUMPUS but in life as well.”