In every Disney Channel Original movie or quintessential “Chick Flick”, Prom is every main characters dream and their one place to shine. Sometimes they try to impress their crush with their token makeover, or sometimes, they try and ask their crush to the dance.
Promposal, the proposal to Prom, is one of the main parts of the event. Nervous boys spend hours drawing on a poster-board, or buying a girl’s favorite treats to impress her with his ask. With Prom coming up on April 12, here are my Do’s and Don’t’s for a Promposal.
Do ask someone you’re comfortable with. Ask a girl who you know enjoys you and feels comfortable around you, a girl who has openly said she likes you to your face, or gives you that vibe.
Don’t ask a girl you don’t know, or don’t know wants to go with you. Don’t make her feel singled-out or uncomfortable by a big ask. Ask someone you know, not someone you don’t.
Find out what your potential date likes. Whether thats as simple as her favorite candy or flowers, or whether or not she likes a showy or “big” ask. Make her want to say yes, not no.
Don’t ask her however you want to ask her; it’s not about you. Don’t do something over the top or extravagant, if you know she’s not about that.
Make her sign personable, connect it with her personality or something she really enjoys. Her favorite musician or album? Television show? Movie? Sport? Celebrity? Use her interests to make a sign in which she will enjoy being asked by.
Don’t make a sign you think is funny or witty, because to her that might come across rude or mean. Again, this isn’t about you. Make her feel special by showing that you’re thoughtful or that you genuinely care about her and her interests.
Get her friends involved! If you’re a closer friend of her or know her friends, ask them what she’d like or how to go about it. It doesn’t hurt to get the inside scoop of what kind of sign or ask she’d enjoy most.
Don’t feel weird to ask for help or advice. This is a stressful time for all parties involved, so remember to just have fun with every step. For some, this is their first Prom, so cut them some slack, for others, this is their last, so make them feel appreciated and special leading up to their important night.