With the anticipated new scheduling day approaching, Wednesday the 26th, students anxiously decide what classes they will be taking next year. Here is a step-by-step guide of what classes are the best for your future grade level.
Tenth graders no doubt have their fair share of classes available to them. You obviously have to take your core credits, but still get choices within those. With English, you have the option of English 2 and English 2 Honors. The obvious choice here is honors because it technically doesn’t even feel like one at that level. My personal honors class sophomore year consisted of me reading Hamlet and my teacher breaking a mug on the ground. With math, you have two options. Algebra 2 and the 2 Honors course, or if you took those freshman year at a different school, they offer Geometry and the Honors course for that, too. Sciences offer either Chemistry or AP Physics, with majority of students obviously taking Chemistry, which was my favorite class. For history, I would do AP World, because the AP exam is one of the easiest and Mr. Inman is a G.O.A.T. My sophomore year I took Spanish 3 Honors which I liked, but I no longer take a world language class so I would pick based off your skill level.
For Juniors English I would take AP English Language, even if you’re slightly scared to or don’t think you’re capable. I found the workload relatively light and the class interesting and fun. The AP exam was also passable and easy to study for. Math has about 10 options to choose from, because the option to double up becomes available. I personally only did one, which was Pre Calculus, with other spinoffs of that like AP Precal and Precal-finance. A lot of my friends doubled up and also did Probability and Stats. Sciences classes are also opened for doubling up, but you have to take your Biology credit. Most kids take Anatomy with that because the classes line up together and are similar, but personally I took AP Environemental Science, or APES, and I loved it and would recommend to everyone. I’ve heard the Anatomy course has gotten harder, but APES is fun, and you get to go on walks and be in nature a ton. Stay far away AP Chem, no matter what, I beg of you. History credit is U.S. History, or the AP version. Okay, so here’s the thing, the actual APUSH class was fun and relatively engaging, but the final exam is really hard to study for and I completely slept through it.
With the introduction of an extra free period, senior year has the option for only 5 class periods. I would bypass AP Literature, as the endless complaining from those students is genuinely horrible. E4 is a manageable class that’s fun, with watching movies, and a book that is actually interesting. When it comes to math, you still have the option to double up, with the smarter kids taking AP Calc and Probabilty and Statistics, I’m in the latter, obviously. History credit is open to AP Government, AP Micro/Macro, or AP Psych, with majority of seniors taking either Psych or Micro/Macro. Both are relatively entertaining classes, but Psych is definitely the easier class out of the two.