New Year, New Schedule

As the students at Darlington School started the 2016-17 school year, they were all new students because they were all trying a new schedule that had never been seen before at Darlington School. The students were excited to see what this new schedule would do for them and how it would help them be a better student. The new schedule is an eight day rotation schedule, but one of the big changes is that you only go to your even classes on one day and your odd on the other. Since you only go to half of your classes everyday, the time of each class is extended from 50 minutes to 70 minutes.  Now fast forward a month into the 2016-17 school year. What do students think for the new schedule after doing it for a whole month?

“It was a lot better than last year,” freshman Spencer Shadday said. “It’s easier to get homework done because you have an extra day to do it. It’s awesome, you actually get time to spend time with friends and hang out.”

Many like the amount of free time that the new schedule offers.

“It’s good  because you get a lot of time to study and get better prepared for your classes, and to get work done that you maybe didn’t have time to do and to just hang out and relax with friends,” freshman Lindsey Cordell said.  “I try to get ahead on some of my homework, playing ping-pong and grabbing a quick snack.”

Though most like the new schedule, some think the classes are too long.

“The classes are very long and towards the end it is hard to concentrate and pay attention,” Lindsey Cordell said.

One of the biggest problems with the new schedule is the 30 minute lunch.

“I don’t like the shorter lunch,” junior Abigail Smith said.

Overall, students are liking the new schedule.

“I like the new schedule because I like having a long time for office hours and I like the longer periods,” said Smith. “Overall, I like the new schedule a lot more than the old schedule”.