‘Hamilton’ Review

During our last night in New York, we went to see “Hamilton,” a broadway musical telling the life of one of our founding fathers, Alexander Hamilton. Before going in, all I knew was that it was about the life of Alexander Hamilton with the occasional rapping. However, it is truly a musical in which almost every single line is rapped and if not, it’s more than likely sung.

Alexander is played by Lin-Manuel Miranda, who wrote the play. Since this is a 1700s and 1800s play, the actors’ diversity represents the America that we live in now. White, African American, Latino and Chinese American roles are all in the play, which I think is really awesome that their ethnicity doesn’t necessarily match the historical figure they are representing.

The ensemble is about the only special effect that “Hamilton” has throughout the play besides the two-layered flat turntable. The ensemble was an addition to the play that adds another level of drama.

I was completely blown away by the about of content they had in the play and how catchy it was. The show is extremely informative in a non-boring way and will even have you silently rapping in your head anytime you hear a phrase from the play. By the end of the show, you will probably know more about Alexander Hamilton than you will about George Washington.

“The musical was amazing because it incorporated catchy music styles from now to learn about the past,” sophomore Claire Anderson said.

Though the play is about the life of Alexander Hamilton, it also covers many other important historical figures, such as Aaron Burr, Eliza Hamilton, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.

On April 9, Jonathan Groff played King George III for the last time, and we all had the privilege to see him in one of his last performances. I think Groff was one of the funniest characters in the play because he is so serious throughout his solo performances.

“My favorite part of Hamilton had to be the king, and I really liked the rap battles,” freshman Annabelle Braden said. “They were amazing.”

The last scene of “Hamilton” was entitled “Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story,” and I think it was a perfect wrap-up of the entire play.

I thought Hamilton was great and I hope to see it again when they start travelling.


Link to soundtrack:

Opening track: https://goo.gl/SvJix8

Rest of the soundtrack: https://goo.gl/tXu9FF



Hamilton the musical: @hamiltonmuscial

Aaron Burr (Leslie Odom Jr.): @leslieodomjr

George Washington (Christopher Jackson): @cjack930

Eliza Hamilton (Phillipa Soo): @phillipasoo

Angelica Schuyler (Renee Elise Goldsberry): @reneelisagoldsberry

Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson (Daveed Diggs): @daveeddiggs

John Laurens/Phillip Hamilton (Anthony Ramos): @anothny_ramos_nyc

Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds  (Jasmine Jones): @jazzy_joness


Hamilton the musical: @Hamiltonmuscial

Aaron Burr (Leslie Odom Jr.): @leslieodomjr

George Washington (Christopher Jackson): @Chrisissingin

Alexander Hamilton (Lin-Manuel Miranda): @Lin_Manuel

Eliza Hamilton (Phillipa Soo): @Philipasoo

Angelica Schuyler (Renee Elise Goldsberry): @reneeelisagolds

Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson (Daveed Diggs): @daveeddiggs

John Laurens/Phillip Hamilton (Anthony Ramos): @anothny_ramos1

Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds  (Jasmine Jones): @JasCephasJones