College Fair: Student Recap
Students enjoy the annual Darlington School College Fair.
How did you feel going into the College Fair?
“Umm, I was excited, but I felt kind of irrelevant because I’m a freshman, and I’m not going to college for a while, but it really opened my eyes to what [colleges will] be looking for and what they want.” – Madison Andrew, freshman.
“I actually felt really good knowing that I have many opportunities everywhere and just them being in that one room and knowing that there’s more is really refreshing to know, and that I can expand my interest further out of this country to other places and expand upon languages that I’m learning within this school.” – Jamila Wood, sophomore.
“I was kind of nervous because college is such a big step in not only high school life, but a person’s life in general, and I really felt kind of prepared going in with the info that I had on which schools I wanted to apply for and then after those, I wanted to go and look at schools I might be able to attend later on, but for the most part, I felt pretty comfortable with looking at the schools we had this year.” – Stephen Gamble, junior.
“Going into the college fair, I was slightly reserved because not too many of the schools I plan on applying to were there. However, I just decided [to] try and broaden my horizons and look for [colleges] that I possibly had not been introduced to before. I needed them to have ROTC and to be slightly on the bigger side.” – Sami Depass, senior.
Which schools did you make sure to visit?
“[I looked at] the University of Georgia, Auburn, Clemson, and the main schools like that, and Tennessee.” – Madison Andrew, freshman.
“I made sure to visit schools that were mostly focusing on broadening the horizon and allowing for us to have a comfortable learning environment because that’s what Darlington is all about and I kind of wanted to carry that on throughout my college career because I think it’s a nice thing to have.” – Jamila Wood, sophomore.
“I made sure to go to Georgia Southern. I also made sure to go to Kennesaw State, specifically because both of those are in-state and it would be a lesser price in comparison to going to maybe an out of state school. The tuition would be less, I could afford it easily and they both also have good core curriculums, and basically good core education systems. So, it was pretty interesting and honestly, really worth it. I’m pretty happy i went to the college fair this year and didn’t just walk around, like I did my freshman year, not knowing what to do.” – Stephen Gamble, junior.
“I visited the University of South Carolina, Mercer, [Virginia Military Institute], and I also looked at Birmingham Southern. As a senior, I think a lot of us [seniors] were prepared because at the beginning of school we had the College Boot Camp, so we had already been kind of introduced to what kind of questions we should ask, how we should go about finding out specific information pertaining to us, like where exactly we are looking. Things like that kind of helped this college fair be an easier process.” – Sami Depass, senior.