Tea with Ethan and Amber #1

Usually, I jump at the opportunity to support student government, but with the House Senate, I am very disappointed. Communication is simply a trainwreck. The student body normally will not know about an event until around a week prior, limiting planning capabilities. This lack of notification is, frankly, annoying. It irritates me when the student government I elected to represent my best interests as a student does not communicate with me and leaves me in the dark about topics that affect me directly.

As a dorm student, there aren’t many opportunities to go off campus and engage in outside activities. When dorm students live on campus they often are forced to attend school planned events such as the Rome Braves game, Fall for the Arts and weekend chapel services. The House Senate should be planning more dorm-student friendly events such as non-mandatory events by involving the students in the planning of school functions. Isn’t the purpose of student government to represent the students? Also, shouldn’t there be some communication between the representatives and their constituents? Which brings us back to communication. I don’t want to beat a dead horse here, but please communicate with us!


Other things that bother us:

  • The mixers, which have always been of debatable quality, have been extra terrible lately which causes no one to go. Students should wield more power in choosing the mixer themes.
  • Being nickel and dimed every five minutes is VERY annoying. Also, it’s a huge deterrent from student participation and frustrates everyone. I understand we have to pay for overhead, but $15 per person and $25 per couple (plus an increased price at the door, for some reason) irritates me.
  • Spirit Week themes were boring, unoriginal, and caused unnecessary controversy *cough cough* “the south will rise again” *cough cough* I understand the House Senate can’t control this, but it was still controversial and I wanted to address that this abuse of patriotism day is pathetic and inappropriate on the students’ part. Instead, PJ day, Disney day, and Dress like a teacher day would’ve been just fine and probably a lot more fun.
  • Finally, the majority of the student body does not even know what the House Senate is and who is on it. I really wish that there was a clear list of all of the members who were on the House Senate so that I can know who I need to be directing my frustration toward.



  • Decrease the prices on T-Shirts and admission to activities
  • Allow more voting opportunities for students
    • Especially for things like spirit days that affect the students directly
  • Introduce yourself to the student body and clearly state the members, the officers, and the advisor on the Darlington website somewhere, I don’t care where, just somewhere…Kermit
  • Photo Illustration Courtesy of Britannica Image Quest