Holiday Plant Sale
Senior Lucy Bearden, leader of the DarFarm recently organized a succulent plant sale for the holiday season.
“So my Senior Ventures project kind of led me in the direction to have a plant sale,” Beaden said. “Mr. Hudson and Mr. Kinney were interested in doing this, so I figured I would incorporate a plant sale.”
Bearden worked with her DarFarm group as well as the Nature Nuts iPeriod to help get this sale organized and ready, along with growing the succulents.
“We ordered a box of hundreds of clippings of older succulents, so you don’t have to start as a seed. As long as it has the root, you can put it into dirt and it will grow over,” Bearden said.
The goal for the plant sale is to raise money to host more sales in the future.
“We hope that we are successful with our sales of the succulents because then we can use this money back at the DarFarm,” Bearden said. “We can work on new projects and buy plants and seeds for our Spring sale, that will be next year.”