
Spring break has ended and the final stretch of the year has begun. With a month and a half left, most students prepare to keep their grades up, prepare for summer and coming back and repeating the same process next year. Unlike the underclassmen, seniors look forward to one thing at the end of this year other than summer break: Graduation. For seniors this is the last step in their high school career before they finally walk across the stage and receive that diploma they have long waited for. But that drive to work hard to achieve the best grades just isn’t there anymore. We call this the dreaded ‘Senioritis.’


Seniors usually catch senioritis when they’re already accepted into college and know where they’re going. It’s hard to see the point on why they should still work at the same level you have been your whole high school career. I mean it doesn’t matter as long as you pass, right?


“On a scale of 10 the highest I’d say my senioritis is at 68.999,”  senior Russell Shealy said. “It probably started when I committed to Maryland because I knew I was into college.”


The only thing that’s keeping seniors from not doing any work at all is probably exempting exams. If you get at least a B the first semester and an A the second semester you don’t have to take an end of year exam for that specific subject.


“Honestly on a scale out of 10 I think my senioritis is at 30,”  senior Rosalee Kelley said. “The only thing keeping me going right now is exempting Mr. Marshall’s exam.”


So for the future if you think seniors are just being “lazy” and just don’t want to do work it’s not our fault, our cases of senioritis are probably just really bad and with less than a month left to graduation who would want to do work?