Regester RUMPUS Celebration
After their RUMPUS win, Regester gathered to celebrate their victory with food and signing posters.
“It’s really good to get together with all my friends in Regester house and celebrate how hard we’ve worked and how we came together,” Day Leader senior Emily Taylor said.
RUMPUS was a great way for people to make new connections by bridging the gap between day and dorm students. Also, it was helpful to introduce new students to the environment of the school.
“So this is my first RUMPUS, I really learned more about the school and it made feel like I was a part of something, like all of us as a team coming together,” junior Maddie Knight said. “Some of the stuff was hard, especially Gauntlet, and just to see everybody open up in that way gave me more of a feel of the people, the environment and how hardworking and positive really everybody here is.”
Participating in events like lip sync also made students feel more a part of the dorm and formed tighter bonds.
“I think with it being my first year in a new dorm it was super nerve wracking at first and I was really not looking forward to it, and then the more I put my heart into it and the more I tried to enjoy it, I think the more rewarding it was for me, especially winning. I just never expected that I was trying to have fun and do the best I could with lip sync, and then I ended up feeling like it was a completely different world and a completely new group of friends,” sophomore Abby Burris said. “Being able to win I just never thought that I would do that in my high school years. It was such a high such an adrenaline rush. To come here and celebrate there is no pressure you are just having fun. Winning was not the part I loved about it. The part I loved was being able to be with everybody.”
Even though RUMPUS is very time consuming and sometimes stressful, a time to relax and destress is well-needed after the busy weekend.
“Honestly I’m just happy that it’s over. I’m glad that we won and we can celebrate,” Head Day Prefect senior Hillary Tunnell said.
The seniors appreciated their win to make their last year of RUMPUS memorable and allowed them to reflect on their transformation over the years as a dorm.
“I was so happy and proud of our girls and what we did because we really came from the bottom up, like we really did have the glow up of the century, and I was very proud of us because we are the only girls’ dorm that has won twice. It was a very monumental moment,” Dorm Leader senior Morgan Adams said.