Rostam on REDS (Rapid Ebola Detection Strips)
Infographic by Katherine Gu
Darlington alumni believe in going after what they want and that is exactly what Rostam Zafari (14’) did. Zafari has already established his name as a young innovator in today’s society and will continue to do so.
“I think that in society we teach people you have to wait, you have to wait ‘till you go to college or grad school or get this degree, but I mean those are letters, those are what other people assign value to you, but you need to learn to assign value to yourself,” Zafari said.
Zafari believes in seizing opportunities, his most recent includes inventing a fast and portable testing solution for the Ebola Virus with his peer, Brian Goldstone. REDS stands for Rapid Ebola Detection Strips and were a result of a in-class challenge given on the first day of classes.
“Our test is a preventative measure,” said Zafari of REDS. Zafari and Goldstone estimate that their product will be anywhere from 75-85 percent accurate and cut costs dramatically when being used.
Not only has Zafari has certainly lived up to the expectations of a post-grad Darlington student by pursuing a challenge that has changed the lives of so many around the world,, but he has also included that challenge in his education.
“If there is something you are passionate about go read about it, learn about it,” Zafari said. “Opportunity is not going to come knocking for you, you have to go find it and it’s all over.”
This act of persistence by both Zafari and Goldstone has landed them in the spotlight. Zafari isn’t letting that stop him from still continuing on the medical track at Emory and possibly going to grad school for infectious disease. His plans are not set in stone and include any opportunity he may be presented.
“People try to tell you that all the great opportunities have been snatched up. In reality the world changes every second, full of new opportunities in all directions, including yours,” Zafari said. “It’s our world, and we have a duty to effect it.” Infographic by Mario Dinatti