A poll was sent out to Upper School students via Google Form. In a survey of 88 answers, students picked their three favorite Christmas traditions. These traditions included Christmas caroling, looking at Christmas lights, Secret Santa, going to church service, going to see a nativity play, baking Christmas cookies, writing a letter to Santa Claus, putting out cookies and milk for Santa Claus, making gingerbread houses, Advent calendars, and hanging stockings. Students also had the option to put any interesting traditions they participated in with their families over Christmas break. The final question asked whether the students stayed home for Christmas, or if they traveled.
The results show that baking Christmas cookies and Secret Santa, which is a gift exchange, were the most popular, with 66% of students baking cookies and 52% choosing Secret Santa. More interesting Christmas traditions could also be submitted through the form.

Sophomore, Phineas Pollard shares his families Christmas traditions which they have done for years.
“Me and my family will go to Red Lobster on Christmas Eve,” said Pollard. “And then we will go watch a movie that just came out. It’s just a fun thing we do on Christmas Eve.”
Skai Albury, a senior, shares what Christmas is like in the Bahamas.
“My Christmas tradition is that every year, both sides of my family come to my house,” said Albury. “We eat food and play games and spend time together.”
Another common Christmas tradition is traveling. Many families like to travel to go skiing or to see family over the holidays. Results show that 33% of students travel for the holidays instead of staying home.

These polls add in a little more context of the holiday season for many students, and shows what Christmas traditions help bring families together. As a boarding student who is away at school for most of the year, Albury shares what she values about Christmas traditions.
“Especially now, with everyone growing up and going off to school, it is a great opportunity to go home and spend time together as a family.”