Ning Zhou, otherwise known as Nina, is a senior in this 2016-17 school year at Darlington school. Zhou is from Shandong, China, and has some big college and life ambitions after she graduates.
As a fan of cold weather, she knew Boston was a good fit for her.
“The schools in Boston are my first choices. First because I like the weather there. Yeah, I like cold weather and like the city very much,” Zhou said.
Her visit to Boston reassured her that she wanted to go to school there.
“There are also many good schools there,” Zhou said. “I college visited and I really like those schools.”
She doesn’t know what job she wants, but loving it is a must.
“I really want my job to be something I have passion in,” Zhou said.
Darlington has really helped Zhou mature. She feels she has made big strides at Darlington over the years.
“Darlington is the place where I changed from a kid to a teenager, or even an adult,” Zhou said.
Not only has it helped her mature, but taught her many things
”As a boarding student I learned a lot of things I never done before back in home,” Zhou said. “Darlington also provide many opportunities to know things I never got to know before.”