Hacksaw Ridge


“Hacksaw Ridge” is easily one the greatest movies I have ever seen, Now, you might think that that is an exaggeration, but no, it’s really that good. With six oscar nominations and three golden globe nominations, I’d like to think that everyone else thinks so too. 

Directed By Mel Gibson, “Hacksaw Ridge” is a true story that follows the life of World War II veteran Desmond T. Doss (Andrew Garfield). The movie follows Doss’s life from his childhood growing up in Lynchburg, VA, to after the war.

Doss’s story really starts when he meets nurse Dorothy Schutte (Teresa Palmer) instantly falling in love. The movie tells the story of them falling in love to when he proposes to her right after he enlisted to go to war. At boot camp, he meets a tough and strict Sergeant Howell (Vince Vaughn) who is bewildered by Doss’s objection to carry a weapon in the military (this is called being a conscientious objector). After trial, Doss is allowed to go to war without any weapon. Once in Japan, the soldiers had to climb up a gigantic vertical cliff. Once on top they had to fight against the Japanese. The combined deaths for both sides were estimated over 150,000. After Doss’s group left the ridge, he stayed back and under the cover of naval fire he was able to save 75 of his fellow comrades all by himself, earning him the medal of honor, which is the highest award you can get in the military.

This movie was amazing, overall I would give it 5/5 stars if you haven’t seen it you need to go see it now. It is no longer in theaters, but is on Redbox, and if I were you I would rent it now.